Rebecca Beleutz

During this past year, it has been difficult as an artist to find inspiration or a specific desire to create. In such difficult times, where many of us feel segregated or lonely, we forget to be thankful for what is right in front of us. Throughout the process of creating this work, I have learned to be grateful and content with the blessings that I am surrounded with, that were clouded by the heaviness of such desolate times. I looked to my partner Brock, our cat Bubbles, and our home to feel inspired and grateful.

I have always been a very emotional and passionate person in all aspects of life and it is the part of myself that comes out in my creative practice. Although my drawing practice originally stems from a love of portraiture, it has also expanded into a love for captivating meaningful moments or emotions; rather than solely focused on the accuracy of reproduction through observation. In this body of work, I have used both graphite pencils and watercolour paint to depict multiple fragments of our lives that are all special in individual ways, touching upon different aspects of our story. I used personal reference images of my home, landscapes, and objects as well as memories, combined to create a variety of compositions. In my application of graphite, I enjoy being both soft and precise, in order to create a feeling of serenity overlaying my images. However, while maintaining a delicacy using my watercolour paints, I allow my works to be more free and emotive.

In this little series about our love, there are many small details of importance that share aspects of ourselves. I have taken the time to observe and thoughtfully create depictions of us in our space through various perspectives, whilst continuing to remain genuine. I created moments that warm my heart and that I feel should be expressed and shared, hopefully serving as a reminder of the preciousness of the everyday and the importance of romanticizing our lives no matter how mundane they may seem.


Dedicated to the loves of my life♡

How I Pine for You, 2021

Graphite on paper

11”x15” each

Don’t Be Long, 2021

Watercolour on paper


Sanctuary, 2021

Watercolour on paper


The Chef and the Artist, 2021

Graphite on paper

8″x 8″

Feed Me, 2021

Watercolour on paper


Bubbles In the Sink, 2021

Graphite on paper

5.5″ x 8″

B+B+B=, 2021

Graphite on paper
