Laurie Policarpio

The recent pandemic has changed the world dramatically. With this series of digital works Laurie hopes to bring the viewer joy and sympathy through shared experience and humor. This is a visual record of days where she found herself feeling frustrated, and annoyed with pandemic related situations. This series has helped her cope with feelings of longing, isolation and impatience.  

It was her goal to make the series inclusive and relatable. The work is simple because she wanted the stories to be clear and easy to understand. For that reason there is no text in her work. Laurie chose to represent herself, her life partner Gavin, her grandmother and her sister as caricatures of themselves. This gave her a way to connect with her loved ones personally. She also did this for all of her friends that she shared this work with. It can be much easier to relate to a character if you see them as a friend and a real person. Laurie depicted herself in the same way in each work in the series; dressed in yellow, with long black hair, and brown skin. In contrast she chose to depict two characters with blue skin to avoid any assumptions about race. These two characters in the series are shown breaking covid etiquette. The goal of this work is to be unifying not polarizing.