Abby Lichti

A beginner’s mind is one that is passive yet active, empty yet ready, and straightforward yet open. The mind of a beginner allows for objective observation, and the embrace of wonder. Obtaining this pattern in cognition acts as an immense support for remaining present and curious, as it is a fundamental principle for meditation. Such presence welcomes moments that may be otherwise overlooked and understands their inherently fleeting nature. The careful examination of textures, impact of sounds, evocation of tastes, and focus on tangibility all aid in the ability to find a sense of novelty within the mundane. 

Within my current approach to creation, I have used drawing, printmaking, and photographic practices in a collaborative manner that centers around the notions of an impression. By utilizing ink transfers, tree rubbings, and meticulous inspection with pencil crayon, I am taking the direct impression of moments that have left some form of mark on me. The instantaneity and chance operations used to create these works are presented through intuitively acting on moments of admiration, emotional responses, serendipities, and idiosyncrasies. 

By actively exercising synergistic relations with nature and circumstances that pertain to my everyday life, I have approached this work through the lens of a beginner, which has led to fostering a greater connection with my surroundings. Although I have created these works by means of personal observations encountered in my own life, I hope to have touched on collective experiences and feelings that can be shared among others as well. Through incorporating such daily practices and receptive mental shifts, I have found resonance with accepting unpredictability, surrendering control, welcoming small instances of gratitude, and taking life as it is—day by day. 

January 15-31, 2021
ink transfers on paper
4” x 4” (17)

Impermanence-From Above and Below, 2021
pencil crayon on chine colleé paper
8.5″ x 6.5 “(2)

February 1-28, 2021
ink transfers on paper
4” x 4” (28)

Networks of Support, 2021
lithographic crayon on cotton
65” x 28”

March 1-31, 2021
ink transfers on paper
4” x 4” (31)

Coffee Time – Macro and Micro, 2021
pencil crayon (top), ink transfer and pencil crayon (bottom) on paper
8” x 6”, 11” x 8.5”